Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Well, after a long time I've actually managed to get this blog working on the new server - just in time for a complete rebuild of server.

Well what is happening in Epsom at the moment. Doesn't seem to be very much. The long running hospital saga drags on. The usual ask the public what they want then ignore them. or so it appears. If the discussions/consultation drags on much longer the situation will get dire and then a decision will have to be made - in a rush no doubt.

ID cards are now on the agenda. The panacea for all the problems that beset modern Britain - hardly!

ID cards have never done anything to prevent terrorism or crime. Countries that already use ID cards have no less problems than we do as a result.

If, as we are constantly being told, that Surrey is the safest county in the UK and that it is the perception of crime that is the problem then, perhaps, the solution is the perception of more policemen on the beat. I do, of course, mean policemen and not cardboard cut outs or eager volunteers in pseudo police uniforms. The longer we go with policing as it is the more those who can afford it will pay for private security.